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What they say

Politicizing and manipulating educational cooperation will not only prevent students from chasing their dreams and force them to change their life plans, but also drain the talent pool of the United States, poison its research environment and chill innovation.

“After a year’s hard work, Chinese people should be able to experience the joy of New Year and have the right to appreciate fireworks.

Even though people can read a wide variety of things on their phones, [this content] is also a kind of literature, albeit on the short side.

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“Let’s take this (holds up a traditional wooden Chinese puzzle) as peace and cherish what we have... Once it is broken, you cannot fix [the] pieces together easily.

“It is imperative that the police adhere to the law, but when addressing campus bullying, authorities must prioritize the protection and support of victims.

“Let’s think about it another way: If nuclear-contaminated water were discharged by a non-US ally, I believe the US would not react this way.