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Cover Story

China and France are enhancing bilateral ties on a landmark diplomatic anniversary, with Paris calling for greater strategic autonomy in Europe

Efforts to track down ancient texts of the Naxiethnic group in libraries across the world are helping local priests revive a nearly lost ritual and inspiring the preservation of a fading ancient culture in the heart of Shangri-La

Despite its popularity, Lijiang in Yunnan Province is criticized as being too commercial to maintain its ethnic authenticity amid arguments it is the only way to preserve its cultural legacy. Some suggest there is a middle way

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China’s new strategy of building up ‘new quality productive forces’ looks to pursue new growth engines and upgrade the economy

The race is on to develop a new generation of solid-state batteries, which are safer and more energy efficient than liquid lithium-ion batteries. At stake is the total structure of the electric vehicle, along with other industries

Experts caution that despite the rapid growth and expansion of Chinese pharmaceutical companies into the international market, overlooking their financial challenges and profitability issues would threaten their long-term sustainability