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What They Say

A selection of expert opinions making the news on counterfeiting, charity donations and urban development

By Zhang Qingchen Updated Mar.14

If forgery profits are far greater than the risk, there's bound to be a lot more counterfeiting going on.” 
Tan Haojun, council member of China's Private Economic Development Association and commentator for China Economic Net, advising a crackdown on fraudsters via judicial means to punish them more severely. 

“Our enterprises donated more than British firms and caught up with the US, but personal donations still ranked almost last in the world. These companies' donations may have to be mobilized by the government.”  
Yao Yao, a lawyer writing for news platform Dajia, on the closeness of the relationship between companies and authorities, resulting in government departments and officially-backed organizations being the main recipients. 

“If cities are overly dependent on administrative means to change the structure of urban employment and to achieve the goal of ‘high-end’ industry, that would not be effective, and may even hamper urban development.” 
Fan Yi, deputy director of the China Center for Urban Development under the National Development and Reform Commission, writing for financial news portal Caixin. 