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What they say


“During economic crises, while the wealthy generally see their losses decrease on paper, poor people face real shortages in daily necessities.

By NewsChina Updated Mar.1

During economic crises, while the wealthy generally see their losses decrease on paper, poor people face real shortages in daily necessities. So, there is no reason to cheer for an economic crisis.”  

Sun Liping, a sociology professor at Tsinghua University, on his WeChat account on December 18, 2021 

“Faced with a complex [international] situation, we should always keep the country’s strategy and interests in mind rather than seek online fame. Some of our opponents are extreme and without conscience. We should defeat them not only in actual battles, but also in personality.” 
Cui Tiankai, former Chinese ambassador to the US, at a seminar on China’s diplomacy held by China Institute of International Studies and the China Foundation of International Studies on December 20, 2021 

“Knowledge creators should be paid and the platform that collects and shares their content should profit by charging users, but not make huge profits. Fees should be lowered, because most users are university students and young teachers. But creators receive nothing, while the platform charges users high fees.”  

Zhao Dexin, a retired professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, on suing CNKI, an academic paper database, for charging users to access his more than 100 articles without permission 

“The longer I live between Eastern and Western cultures, the more I feel the commonalities between them. Many things seem different on the surface, but if you go deeper, you will find many things in common. They are just manifested in different ways.”  

Mark Henry Rowswell, Canadian comedian and crosstalk performer known professionally as Dashan, pointing out that inclusiveness and acceptability, not cultural differences, are issues in bringing together Eastern and Western cultures, in an interview with China News Service on December 23, 2021 

“China has maintained an overall lead in infrastructure, which will benefit future economic development. But it’s worth noting that at a certain point, our over-investment in infrastructure in response to certain external shocks has saddled us with heavy debt that we’re still dealing with today.”  

Zhang Jun, director of the School of Economics, Fudan University in an interview with Business Morning, a Shanghaibased social media outlet, on December 24, 2021 

“If pandemic controls greatly improve globally in 2022, other countries will become much less dependent on Chinese imports. So, we predict China’s export volume will drop to the level of that before the pandemic or even lower. In general, China’s economy will face big downward pressure [in 2022].”  

Ding Xiaofeng, deputy general-manager of R&D at China Fortune Securities, writing for financial portal Caixin on December 22, 2021, arguing that the government should offer more support to small- and medium-sized enterprises amid the economic slowdown  

“China’s labor market and employment did not fully recover from the economic fluctuations over past two years, which has encumbered growth in incomes and consumption.”  

Lu Feng, a chair professor at the National School of Development, Peking University, suggesting government departments balance between pandemic controls and increasing employment, at a seminar of the sixth National Development Forum hosted by his school on December 19, 2021 

“The Covid-19 pandemic will not end in regions with strict controls, since it is the regions with weak controls and poor sanitation that determine when the pandemic will end.”  

Yin Ye, deputy president of DNA/RNA research firm BGI Genomics, at the 12th Caixin Summit on December 15, 2021  

“Quality standards are key for the development and use of data resources. Low-quality data could become a landmine after it’s exchanged.”  

Wang Qinmin, deputy chairman of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, arguing for improvements in data governance and quality appraisal, and other supporting systems for data use, at the 12th Caixin Summit on December 15, 2021 
